Vyloučit 中文 解释


正如《犹太通俗百科全书》解释说:“犹太人在反抗罗马的大战(公元66-73年)中所表现的热狂因他们相信弥赛亚时代即将来临而大大加强。 Obecná židovská encyklopedie (angl.) vysvětluje: „Fanatické nadšení Židů ve Velké válce proti Římu (66–73 n. l.) bylo posilováno jejich vírou, že

检查“ 錦標賽”到捷克文的翻译。浏览句子中錦標賽的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 0155-00001-01, Rev. D ( 2011 年 12 月) 繁體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) AVID 軟體授權合約 這是 Avid Technology, Inc. (聯同其子公司)和您之間訂立的合約。 1.5. 出租许可。 如果 Avid 将该软件与某硬件设备捆绑,作为整个系统出售,则您可以在规 定期间将该系统临时出租给其他人,条件是: (a) 您确保每一名租用者都能遵守本协议; (b) 您仍要承担本协议项下的所有义务; (c) 您必须应要求通知 Avid 所有出租系统的位 置;和 (d) 对于因您出租 Avid 系统而 Categories. Baby & children Computers & electronics Entertainment & hobby Fashion & style 正如《犹太通俗百科全书》解释说:“犹太人在反抗罗马的大战(公元66-73年)中所表现的热狂因他们相信弥赛亚时代即将来临而大大加强。 Obecná židovská encyklopedie (angl.) vysvětluje: „Fanatické nadšení Židů ve Velké válce proti Římu (66–73 n. l.) bylo posilováno jejich vírou, že 检查“ 錦標賽”到捷克文的翻译。浏览句子中錦標賽的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 Dive into a transformed vibrant post-apocalyptic Hope County, Montana, 17 years after a global nuclear catastrophe. Lead the fight against the Highwaymen, as they seek to take over the last remaining resources. Victory is at your fingertips!

Vyloučit 中文 解释

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expel sb from sth Officials want to expel settlers from protected forest. The disciplinary tribunal has the power to suspend or even expel offenders from the profession. 1. 动词 [usually passive] If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly . More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating. [be VERB -ed] a boy expelled from school for making death threats to his teacher. expel翻译:expulser, expulser, renvoyer (de), évacuer, expulser。了解更多。 0155-00001-01, Rev. D ( 2011 年 12 月) 繁體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) AVID 軟體授權合約 這是 Avid Technology, Inc. (聯同其子公司)和您之間訂立的合約。 Categories.

Křížové odkazy na nejnepříznivější případy však mohou některé zkoušky vyloučit. generální - eur-lex.europa.eu. Worst case test conditions [7]: Back plate 

Vyloučit 中文 解释

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Vyloučit 中文 解释

Přesto nelze zcela vyloučit možnost rušení jiných přístrojů. 阅读指引有助于理解 条款, 对本合同内容的解释以条款为准您拥有的重要权益本合同提供的保障在保险 


Tom has been excluded from school (= he is not allowed to go to school) for bad behaviour. to make someone leave a school, country, organization, or place: The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats.

98. ไทย. 101. Русский. 106. Română.

1. 动词 [usually passive] If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly . More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating. [be VERB -ed] a boy expelled from school for making death threats to his teacher. 检查“ 錦標賽”到捷克文的翻译。浏览句子中錦標賽的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 0155-00001-01, Rev. D ( 2011 年 12 月) 繁體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) AVID 軟體授權合約 這是 Avid Technology, Inc. (聯同其子公司)和您之間訂立的合約。 1.5. 出租许可。 如果 Avid 将该软件与某硬件设备捆绑,作为整个系统出售,则您可以在规 定期间将该系统临时出租给其他人,条件是: (a) 您确保每一名租用者都能遵守本协议; (b) 您仍要承担本协议项下的所有义务; (c) 您必须应要求通知 Avid 所有出租系统的位 置;和 (d) 对于因您出租 Avid 系统而 Categories.

Vyloučit 中文 解释

Română. 113. Česky. 119. Tiếng Việt NELZE-LI IMPLICITNÍ ZÁRUKY VYLOUČIT ZCELA, BUDOU  检查“ recese”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中recese的翻译示例, Hluboká recese je neodvratná a možnost deprese nelze vyloučit. 严重的衰退不可避免,经济萧条的  2021年2月17日 清晰解释自然的书面和口头英语 荷兰语-英语 · 英语-阿拉伯语 · 英语-加泰罗尼亚 语 · 英语-中文(简体) · 英语-中文(繁体) vyloučit, vytlačit… 本采购通则以英文和西班牙文以及中文书写。如果有任何差 E.对于与采购通则 以及订单的执行或解释有关的任何问题, možné vyloučit její odpovědnost.

Veřejná komunikace Za žádných okolno to prevent someone or something from entering a place or taking part in an activity: Women are still excluded from the club.

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Dark Souls continues to push the boundaries with the latest, ambitious chapter in the critically-acclaimed and genre-defining series. Prepare yourself and Embrace The Darkness!

Microbes must, as far as possible, be excluded from the room during an operation. Tom has been excluded from school (= he is not allowed to go to school) for bad behaviour. to make someone leave a school, country, organization, or place: The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats. expel sb from sth Officials want to expel settlers from protected forest. The disciplinary tribunal has the power to suspend or even expel offenders from the profession. 1. 动词 [usually passive] If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly .

0155-00001-01, Rev. D ( 2011 年 12 月) 繁體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) AVID 軟體授權合約 這是 Avid Technology, Inc. (聯同其子公司)和您之間訂立的合約。

Tom has been excluded from school (= he is not allowed to go to school) for bad behaviour. to make someone leave a school, country, organization, or place: The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats.

expel sb from sth Officials want to expel settlers from protected forest. The disciplinary tribunal has the power to suspend or even expel offenders from the profession. 1. 动词 [usually passive] If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly . More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating.