

and other Nail Disease › Koilonychia (Page 1). Koilonychia Photos. Click thumbnail to enlarge. Previous12Next · Koilonychia. koilonychia-1.jpg · Koilonychia.

Koilonychia also occurs in the itchy skin disease LICHEN PLANUSand in the rare inherited condition dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. From the Greek koilos, concave or hollow and onyx, a finger or toenail. Officially called koilonychia, it's one of the first things doctors look for when trying to work out if a tired patient is suffering from anaemia. Give your hands a health MOT; EDITED BY SALLY MCLEAN hair fall, increase in hair, nail changes including leukonychia, koilonychia , ridging, sublingual debris and various vascular and glandular PubMed is a searchable database of medical literature and lists journal articles that discuss Hereditary koilonychia.


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Aug 12, 2013 · Koilonychia is a disorder that occurs in the fingernails. More commonly known as spoon nails this disorder shows itself in a concave formation of the fingernail or a depression in the nail. This causes a spoon shape on the nail meaning that the center portion of the nail forms in an indented fashion. Oct 11, 2019 · Spoon nails (koilonychia) are soft nails that look scooped out.

Look at other dictionaries: Koilonychia — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L60.3, Q84.6 ICD 9 … Wikipedia


Koilonychia means literally "spoon nails." It refers to nails (usually of the hand) which have lost their convexity, becoming flat or even concave in shape. Nov 03, 2018 · Koilonychia is a condition of the nails in which the shape of the nails are hampered.



Give your hands a health MOT; EDITED BY SALLY MCLEAN hair fall, increase in hair, nail changes including leukonychia, koilonychia , ridging, sublingual debris and various vascular and glandular PubMed is a searchable database of medical literature and lists journal articles that discuss Hereditary koilonychia. Click on the link to view a sample search on this topic. Click on the link to view a sample search on this topic.

A comprehensive clinical approach is necessary in order to make the diagnosis of trachonychia. Koilonychia often stems from an iron deficiency in the diet, and it may respond to dietary changes. If the underlying reason is not a dietary one, a doctor may recommend medical treatment, Koilonychia is a component of the nail-patella syndrome, a genetic disease characterized by numerous abnormalities including musculoskeletal and kidney abnormalities. Spooning fingernails can also result from trauma, exposure to certain solvents, or it may be associated with chronic medical conditions.

Feb 1, 2021 Koilonychia, or “spoon nails,” is a nail dystrophy where the nail plate is depressed centrally and everted laterally. Causes of nail spooning are  Koilonychia definition: an abnormal condition in which the outer surfaces of the nails are concave ; spoon nail | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and  koilonychia: A spoon-shaped finger-nail with surface concave instead of convex. and other Nail Disease › Koilonychia (Page 1). Koilonychia Photos. Click thumbnail to enlarge. Previous12Next · Koilonychia. koilonychia-1.jpg · Koilonychia.

Previous12Next · Koilonychia. koilonychia-1.jpg · Koilonychia. Apr 16, 2019 Koilonychia is an abnormal shape of the fingernail. The nail has raised ridges and is thin and curved inward. This disorder is associated with  Nov 1, 2014 - Nails may exhibit many different abnormalities. In the condition known as koilonychia, the nails are flattened and have concavities.


Close Window. Feb 1, 2021 Koilonychia, or “spoon nails,” is a nail dystrophy where the nail plate is depressed centrally and everted laterally. Causes of nail spooning are  Koilonychia definition: an abnormal condition in which the outer surfaces of the nails are concave ; spoon nail | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and  koilonychia: A spoon-shaped finger-nail with surface concave instead of convex. and other Nail Disease › Koilonychia (Page 1). Koilonychia Photos.

Spoon nails are thin and soft and shaped like a little spoon that is often capable of holding a drop of water. There are many causes, but the most frequent one is iron deficiency anemia. The There is also inherited koilonychia, which usually affects the center of the nail. This type is rare and often a sign of kidney issues. As you can see from the list above, many causes of koilonychia are not to be taken lightly, which means that recognizing koilonychia symptoms may be a good way to prevent bigger issues in the long run. Spoon nails are thin and soft and shaped like a little spoon that is often capable of holding a drop of water.

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Spoon nails are thin and soft and shaped like a little spoon that is often capable of holding a drop of water. There are many causes, but the most frequent one is iron deficiency anemia. The

Meanings for Koilonychia The nails are spoon shaped A medicinal nail deficiency that is mainly due to iron-deficiency anemia (minimal red blood cells and iron). See full list on news-medical.net Koilonychia is a nail disease that can be a sign of iron-deficiency anemia. Koilonychia means literally "spoon nails." It refers to nails (usually of the hand) which have lost their convexity, becoming flat or even concave in shape. Nov 03, 2018 · Koilonychia is a condition of the nails in which the shape of the nails are hampered. Also known as spoon nails, in koilonychia the nails tend to curve inwards and presents a shape like a spoon. The nails become soft and thin and thus can become curved inwards. FPnotebook.com is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians.


[1900-05; Gk koîl(os) hollow + onych-(s. of FPnotebook.com is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians. Started in 1995, this collection now contains 6897 interlinked topic pages divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and 737 chapters.

Give your hands a health MOT; EDITED BY SALLY MCLEAN hair fall, increase in hair, nail changes including leukonychia, koilonychia , ridging, sublingual debris and various vascular and glandular Koilonychia is a characteristic symptom that occurs in some Plummer-Vinson syndrome patients along with the symptoms of glossitis, enlargement of the spleen, and thyroid enlargement. The chronic iron deficiency that occurs in individuals affected by this syndrome is the component connecting it to koilonychia. Meanings for Koilonychia The nails are spoon shaped A medicinal nail deficiency that is mainly due to iron-deficiency anemia (minimal red blood cells and iron). See full list on news-medical.net Koilonychia is a nail disease that can be a sign of iron-deficiency anemia. Koilonychia means literally "spoon nails." It refers to nails (usually of the hand) which have lost their convexity, becoming flat or even concave in shape. Nov 03, 2018 · Koilonychia is a condition of the nails in which the shape of the nails are hampered. Also known as spoon nails, in koilonychia the nails tend to curve inwards and presents a shape like a spoon.